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Reviews from past and current projects

the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

On the lighter end of the spectrum, Joe Lewis endears himself to the audience as Leaf Coneybear, a sensitive homeschooler who would rather frolic than spell. The best proof of Lewis's winsome personality is how closely audience members sit at the end of their seats as he teeters at the edge of elimination; no one wants to see him leave the stage.
(Zac Thriffiley, Broadway World)


As Leaf Coneybear, Lewis takes the world on in big-eyed amazement and wonder…There is an eternal optimism to Lewis’ character. It’s quite an impressive performance. (Riki Lee Travolta, Life and Times)


Another welcome Music Theater Works newbie is Joe Lewis as the sweetly nerdy Leaf Coneybear...Lewis’ character is a joyous, innocent little guy who’s thrilled just to be a part of the Spelling Bee team...Lewis projects sweetness and charm, and the actor has obviously studied how real kids behave because he comes off as an authentic middle school child. (Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review)



It is the fantastic acting by Stielstra and Lewis that makes the show! They do a super job portraying the chemistry between their characters through dialogue and singing, and it is their intense interaction that holds the story together. But it is Lewis whose performance is so spectacular that he could easily be on Broadway; he’s just that good! His dynamic energy, animated facial expressions, and pleasant yet forceful singing voice are an absolute joy to behold! (Julia W. Rath aroundthetownchicago)


Lewis as Will does a particularly good job of portraying the excruciating emotional turmoil of being eighteen years old and queer.  (Sarz Maxwell buzz center stage)


Joe Lewis, who plays Will, makes a welcome return to PrideArts, but he’s been seen on stages all over the Chicago area. His lovely, expressive voice has been heard singing the leading roles of several major musicals. Lewis is magnificent in his solos and he adds harmonic depth while blending with his acting partner…He and Lewis use everything from their vast arsenal of skills and talents to make their roles honest and believable in this excellent production. (Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review)

Jack off the beanstalk

Remembered for his stellar performance in PrideArts’ recent musical, “Girlfriends,” Joe Lewis is perfectly cast as Jack. With his contagious smile, he looks like every drawing of the character you’ve ever seen. Joe’s articulate performance is terrific and he’s just as charming and charismatic as the role demands. The fact that the youthful actor is a magnificent singer/dancer, only adds to his performance perfection and makes the audience fall in love with him even more. (Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review)

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